
The Business 管理 证书 will develop your awareness and hone your skills in many of the functional aspects of the business world. People with business and 管理 skills are employed in every industry in the career world. 因此, the focus of this program is on the principles, theories and application of today’s business while also concentrating on the legal, 管理, and human resource components found in today’s dynamic, 多样化的, 全球组织. Jobs may be found in insurance companies, 卫生保健设施, 教育机构, transportation/distribution centers, 政府机构, and manufacturing firms in a variety of departments. This certificate may also be used to further a personal business endeavor. This program also consists of foundational courses needed for a Business Administration Associate degree.

最低学分: 19



课程# 课程名称 学分 先决条件 笔记
231年ACC 会计原理1 4 ENG 085*, ENG 090*, MAT 033* or higher and 101年独联体 or CIS 121 $787.20

This course is an introductory course in Financial Accounting. Learn the theory and practice of recording financial accounting data and preparation of financial statements in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) with an emphasis on corporations. Current software and online applications will be utilized.

BUA 190 战略企业管理 3

Why do some businesses succeed while others fail? How can you promote the growth and sustainability of your organization? What is your role as a future business owner or manager in the overall success of your organization? This course will outline and describe the strategies that a company’s managers pursue to have a major impact on the company’s performance and compete in the dynamic global nature of today’s organizations. Students will explore the following topics as they gain an understanding of strategy: strategic 管理, competition and competitive advantage, 发展战略, 实施策略.

BUA 220 管理学原理 3 工程095,工程085,工程091

This 管理 course exposes students to the dynamics of the changing world. Topics such as 管理 functions/processes, 质量, 领导风格, 权力, 全球问题, and the challenges and opportunities of diversity are included. 重点放在道德上, 决策, 有效的沟通, 评估员工, 激励工具, 组织设计, 环境扫描, 监督组织, 控制质量, 生产力的提高, 管理变更和冲突, labor relations and time 管理.

BUA 221 人力资源管理 3 CIS 095*, eng085 *和eng090 *

Create and maintain a desirable and productive work place by applying 管理 skills with emphasis on improving performance and career development. 主题包括:劳动法, 招聘及甄选, 放置技术, 面试方法, 工作分析, 人员配备, 培训和发展, 绩效评估, 团队建设, 收益管理, 政府监管, 补偿系统, 健康与安全, 以及劳资问题.

BUA 250 商业法I 3 CIS 095*, eng085 *和eng090 *

This course offers an introduction to law and the legal system, 争议解决和法庭, 商业道德, 侵权行为, 合同, 销售和租赁货物, 以及可转让票据.

101年独联体 计算机系统概论 3 CIS 095*, ENG 085*, ENG 090* and MAT 020* or higher

提高计算机知识. Course covers computer system concepts with an emphasis on several software applications. Typing ability necessary to be successful in this class.